In math this week we've been learning about graphing so I decided to do a graphing lesson I picked up from the Primary Perspective (thank you!) I started off by reading "More M&Ms Math". In the book it talks about graphing/sorting M&Ms by their color. My class had to use skittles instead due to a students's food allergy, but I think it went super well! Here they are sorting & graphing their skittles by color...
Once they finished filling out the corresponding worksheet, I let everyone taste 1 skittle of each color to help determine which color was their favorite. We then made this pie graph based on their favorite color candy skittle. Yum!
(sorry the pic is a little blurry)
And how can I forgot the adorable lesson our counselor did in my classroom this moring about "Manners". She read a story about a monster coming to school and breaking all the rules. Finally, when the teacher's had enough, she decides to send him home. The monster bursts into tears because he didn't know the 'rules' in the first place. The kids decide to give the monster another chance and teach him the rules.
My students then drew a picture of the monster following a rule and then wrote a sentence explaining their picture. I had some *pretty* creative monster drawings lemme just tell ya! haha! Take a look:
Here's my favorite "monster" picture and sentence:
Have a happy weekend!